2019 Comprehensive Plan Process
Mountain Home's 2019 Comprehensive Plan will guide the City in managing and maintaining steady growth over the next 10 years while promoting the health, safety and welfare of citizens. In order to address the community's future growth and path to an economically sustainable city, input from the community is invaluable.
Comprehensive Plan Survey Results
Back to TopThank you for your participation in the 2019 Comprehensive Plan survey, Open Houses and any presentations you may have attended regarding the 2019 Comprehensive Plan. The survey results are ready for review thanks to the Boise State University Idaho Policy Institute.
Comprehensive Plan
Back to TopWhat Is a Comprehensive Plan?
In order to develop a comprehensive plan, comprehensive planning must first be initiated. Comprehensive planning is a process that determines a wide range of interrelated issues a community may have. Steps necessary in this process vary but can include identifying issues specific to the area, goal setting, data collection, and public outreach and input. These steps are imperative for local governments to assess and prioritize efforts in order to promote the health, safety and general welfare of residents. After the completion of the necessary steps, a formal document can be produced - a comprehensive plan. The plan can be used to act as a tool for planning future growth and address constant change and evolution within the community.
How Is a Comprehensive Plan Used?
Once a comprehensive plan is made into a formal document it will need to be adopted by local government. This is usually done by City Council and through public hearings. After the plan has been officially adopted, city staff can utilize this plan to monitor outcomes and guide the city to success over the next 10 years. Since comprehensive plans are not permanent documents, they remain flexible to be changed and rewritten over time. Many local governments update or revise their comprehensive plan every 10 years, however, for faster growing communities may update every 5 years.
How Can You Take Part?
The public is one of the most important aspects of this entire process. Without the input of community members, who work, live and enjoy the city and surrounding areas, city staff would not be able to best speak to issues or areas of impact. The planning process allows many opportunities for public participation. Being aware of opportunities can prepare individuals to join in and be a part of the process, ask questions, get answers and share thoughts and opinions. This is a part of planning that could not be replicated or replaced, and all input is valued.
2008 Comprehensive Plan
Back to TopThe purpose of the Mountain Home Comprehensive Plan is to develop a set of guidelines that the City will use to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of its residents who live in the City of Mountain Home and in its Area of Impact (AOI). To achieve this purpose, the City of Mountain Home will strive:
- To protect the property rights and enhance property values.
- To ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided to the people at a reasonable cost.
- To ensure that the economy of the City of Mountain Home and its AOI is protected and enhanced.
- To ensure that the development of land addresses the physical conditions of the land. e. To protect life and property in areas of critical concern or that are potentially subject to natural hazards.
- To ensure that new development pays its own way.
2018 DRAFT Comprehensive Plan
Back to TopA Comprehensive Plan is a land use document that, according to state statute, must be updated every 10 years. The City of Mountain Home, in partnership with Horrocks Engineers and Boise State University's Idaho Policy Institute, have updated the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Through multiple forms of public outreach as well as internal comments and direction, a draft of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan has been created. Below you will find this working document in its draft form. This draft 2018 Comprehensive Plan will be presented to Planning and Zoning December 2, 2019 at 6 pm in the City Council Chambers for first review. Please view the document to be presented with the link below.