Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little signed an executive order today mobilizing the Idaho National Guard to help the pandemic response in new ways, and he signed a new statewide public health order rolling Idaho back into a modified Stage 2 of the Idaho Rebounds plan. [read more]
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Library Temporarily Closed Due to Potential COVID-19 Exposure
The Mountain Home Public Library is closed until Monday, Nov. 16 due to the potential exposure of a library staff member to COVID-19. During this time, the facility will undergo a thorough cleaning and quarantine period. No further information is available at this time. [read more]
Around The Town
‘Light the Forest’ Display to Move Downtown
The City of Mountain Home’s “Light the Forest” Christmas display is moving to a more prominent location this year. The holiday display has been a long-time fixture at Carl Miller Park but will relocate to Railroad Park this year, giving Main Street drivers and shoppers an opportunity to catch the Christmas spirit. [read more]
Community News
Idaho Law Ensures Professional Licenses Transfer for Military, Veterans, Spouses
The City of Mountain Home wants to make local service members, veterans, and family members aware of an Idaho law that can remove some of the uncertainty some licensed professionals may feel when they move to a new state. The 2019 law, called the Occupational Licensing Reform Act, mandates that all Idaho licensing authorities have procedures in place to issue “licensure by endorsement” to any service member, honorably discharged veteran, or the spouses or either, who possesses a current, valid professional license in another state. [read more]
Community News
Idaho Legion Riders launch veteran suicide prevention program
“One more day.” Dave Conley, an American Legion Rider and member of Lloyd E. Hutcheson Post 113 in Meridian, Idaho, hears those three words a lot when speaking with families who have lost a veteran to suicide. The conversations always center on a wish for more time to help their loved one through the feelings of hopelessness and despair. “That became my mission in life, to give them that one more day,” Conley says. [read more]
Around The Town
City Pollinator Support Programs Meant to Bee
Everyone knows plants need water, sunlight, and fertile soil to flourish, but there is an important element we often forget to include in the equation – pollinators. Pollinators like bees and the Monarch butterfly, Idaho’s official state insect, are integral to plant reproductive cycles, both in the wild and Idaho’s agricultural success. [read more]
Community News
APA recognizes City, Horrocks Engineers for 'outstanding' Comprehensive Plan
The American Planning Association awarded the City of Mountain Home and Horrocks Engineers their Outstanding Plan Award for the 2020 Comprehensive Plan. The City's Comprehensive Plan is a document that helps guide city policies and actions across a spectrum of topics including housing, land use, community design, and public services. [read more]
Community News
COVID-19 vaccine distribution planning underway in Idaho
Governor Brad Little and public health officials today outlined the steps Idaho is taking to work with the federal government on distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. [read more]
MHSD to Receive $426K Grant for Facility Improvements
The Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment announced yesterday the recipients of 16 grants totaling approximately $50 million under the Defense Community Infrastructure Program. Mountain Home School District will receive more than $426,000 of that money for facility improvements. [read more]
MHSD to Receive $426K Grant for Facility Improvements
The Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment announced yesterday the recipients of 16 grants totaling approximately $50 million under the Defense Community Infrastructure Program. Mountain Home School District will receive more than $426,000 of that money for facility improvements. [read more]