MOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho, (Sept. 14, 2020) – Mountain Home Fire Department received a call about a tree on fire at 1220 E. 10th North on Sept. 13 at 8:36 p.m.  Firefighters responded with two brush trucks, two structure engines and a tender truck within minutes. The fire was burning in the back yard of the residence and spread quickly through an area tightly packed with trailers, debris and sheds containing propane, acetylene tanks and ammunition, some of which exploded due to the fire. MHFD firefighters reported the fire as contained to Elmore County Dispatch at 10:29 p.m. The residence was untouched by the fire and there were no injuries to residents or firefighters. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Fire Chief Mark Moore said the department has requested assistance with the investigation from the Idaho State Fire Marshal’s office.  Mountain Home Fire Department reminds citizens to comply with requests from first responders in all emergency situations for everyone’s safety. No further information is available at this time. [read more]

MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, Idaho – Between September 1-4, and 8-11, Mountain Home Air Force Base will be conducting training approximately 30 miles, south-southeast of Bruneau through the general Bruneau and base area. Devices in that area that rely on GPS may malfunction at times between 9 a.m-5:30 p.m. on these dates. [read more]

The Mountain Home School District made the short list of organizations invited to advance to the next round of the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP). The Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment has identified 16 project proposals out of more than 100 initial applications submitted under the category related to military quality of life. [read more]

Keeping in line with the State of Idaho, the City of Mountain Home will formally adopt the 2018 updates to the following building codes currently in use by both the state and city. The changes will become effective for all permits drawn from the City of Mountain Home Building Department no later than midnight, December 31, 2020. [read more]

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

These 30 Days: How you can help

President Trump announced updated guidelines this week to continue slowing the spread of Coronavirus in America. This 30-day window will be crucial: If every American does his or her part, the latest model suggests we could save 1 million or more U.S. lives. [read more]