City Council
Our Mission is to work together responsively, through effective leadership, to provide infrastructure and excellent services that meet community needs and promote balanced growth, preserve our unique sense of community and sustain our small-town quality of life.
Mountain Home, ID 83647
City Council Schedule
Back to TopMeets at 5:00 p.m. the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month in City Council Chambers located in City Hall.
Citizen Issue/Complaint Resolution Process
Back to TopCity Council Agendas
Back to Top- 2025
01-23-2024 (Workshop)- Rescheduled
07-11-2024- Cancelled due to budget completion
- 2023
- 2020
Special City Council Meeting February 13, 2019
Special Meeting March 4 2019 - Fiber Judicial Confirmation
Special Meeting April 30 2019 - Comp Plan Steak Holders Meeting Work Session
Special Meeting May 29th 2019 - Budget
Special Meeting May 30th 2019 - Budget
Special Meeting June 17 2019 - Rail Spur Purchase and Fiber Equipment Purchase
Special Meeting June 17 2019 with County - Water Issues
Special Meeting October 7 2019 - Military Liaison Agreement - Marty Anderson
Special Meeting December 5 2019 - Partnership with WECRD
- 2018
City Council Meeting Minutes
Back to TopElected Official General Information
Back to TopTwo council seats (four-year terms) are up for election in 2025. Two additional council seats and the Mayor are up for election for four-year terms in 2027.
Time Commitment: Mayor and Council-members are required to attend regular meetings of the City Council on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, starting at 5:00 p.m. Issues can be complex and range from sewer, water, streets, and public safety, to planning and zoning issues like plat approval and street vacations, to issues of personnel and the review and passage of resolutions and ordinances. Council agendas and information packets are prepared by the City Clerk the Friday before each Council meeting. During some months, there are special meetings or work sessions which you will also need to attend. Budget preparation can entail several special meetings, beginning in March of each year and completing in July. The City fiscal year runs from October 1st through September 30th of each year. Council-members are also appointed by the Mayor to serve as liaisons to different advisory boards or committees in the community, such as the Library Board, Airport Board, Traffic Safety Board, Historical Museum, and Arts Council. It is compulsory for Council liaisons to attend these board meetings. In addition, they may also be assigned as a liaison to a City department not covered by a board, such as City Hall, Public Works, Fire Department; and Police Department.
Mayor and Council-members are required to: Follow all laws of the State of Idaho. (The state code section pertaining to cities is Title 50); Understand and obey Ethics laws, Open meeting laws and Public Records laws; (The State Attorney General’s office offers small manuals in booklet form covering all these provisions of the state code); Disclose any potential conflict of interest prior to voting.
Mayor and Council-members may be required to: Assist with the setting of long range goals for the City; Understand insurance and liability issues as they pertain to the City; Read and digest volumes of reports prepared by staff, and other agencies and citizens; Represent the City at Civic and Community Functions; Field concerns from Citizens at any time or place; Work with area legislators on issues related to cities; Travel outside the local area to attend meetings and workshops.
Employment Status: The Mayor is considered a full-time employee of the City for his/her elected term and will be expected to keep and maintain regular work hours with reasonably scheduled hours at the City Offices. The Council are considered part-time employees of the City and qualify for benefits, but not vacation or sick leave. All elected positions are exempt from overtime pay, including compensatory time.
Salary and benefits: The Mayor and City Council Salaries are determinded by city ordinance and you can find that ordinance here. Benefit packages for insurance are available to Council-members. The Mayor qualifies for all City benefits, including health, dental, vision, and PERSI retirement, sick leave and shall have fifteen (15) working days paid vacation leave time per year during his/her term of office.